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My Musings

I design because I feel compelled to express something I don't know how to otherwise articulate.

Friday, July 2, 2010

21 Days of Forever 21 : Intro

I had a brilliant idea a few days ago. To preface this, I had a baby. My cute tight summer tops of the past are not working out so well these days, and although Core and More is kicking me into shape, I need some outfit forgiveness. After feeling drab for a few months, with the Aha moment being when I wanted to wear workout clothes for the day not because I was working out but because I didn't know what to wear, I took some initiative. I needed some major change without spending everything I have. So I went to Forever 21, stockpiled, and that night put all these outfits together with cards on the hangers saying exactly what to put together for each outfit, since I have about .00000001 minutes in the morning to think about these things with a baby and a dog. So I bring to you my challenge: I am going to wear Forever 21 for 21 days, styled with pieces from my closet and my stunning jewelry, and you guessed it - I will blog about each outfit. Daily.